, false flags, and gematria is a website that generates realistic people that aren't real, a.i.  Do I even really need to explain the evil that could be done with this? The false scenarios ( false flags ) government controlled media could and does create with these fake people to promote propaganda and mold your mind in the way they want it. After all government literally means to control the mind.

The word Government actually means mind control. It is etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It Splits into two words:1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. SO GOVERNMENT MEANS “TO CONTROL THE MIND”

Anderson Cooper is a CIA puppet.

He should have said the program is complete when what the whole world believes is false, because that is the program they've created. 

                                                 let me rephrase this: one world under control

"The best way to tell if an incident is a false flag? Look at the numbers involved. False flag events are riddled with occult numerology."

Occult numerology, like gematria. The ancient practice from Kabbalah, coding letters into numbers. In Kabbalah the main belief is that G-d created the world with language by combining the letter with an associated number

Just a few numbers to look out for when reading or watching any news story. 33 (freemasonry), 322 (skull and bones), 51 (illuminati, founded on may 1st, like 5/1), 38 and 83 (murder, death), 44 (kill)

Gematria is to much for me to explain right now so please go download and read these free ebooks, starting with "letters and numbers". They are very interesting to read, I was not able to put the book down and these books honesty changed my life and the way I view the world. Gematria is the ultimate "red pill" so to speak!

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