"The world is ruled by signs and symbols, not rules nor laws." - Confucius
Here's what I noticed about one of my favorite video games from my childhood. If you're "woke" you should notice the checkerboard masonic floor even without the example in the bottom portion of the photo. The checkerboard is shown in many movies, and even in your favorite music videos. The checkerboard is one of the most important symbols you will see when dealing with freemasonry and the illuminati. ( Yes, the illuminati is real and it was created by Adam Weishaupt. I will write more about him when I post about The Rothschild Family )
It is used in ritualistic ceremonies. Black and white is a symbol for duality, think yin and yang. It is the base of consciousness where all other states of mind arise. This is one of the many symbols for spotting which celebrities may be under Project MKUltra. There is fact in fiction. Think about the movie "A Clockwork Orange" and "Altered States"
( And yes MKUltra is a real mind control operation preformed and designed by the CIA, this shouldn't be new news. There has been an endless amount of experimentation on humans by our own governments since they were created, this needs to be known and our world leaders need to be stopped. )
This image from Super Mario 64 shows a masonic checkerboard floor with a "blazing star" in the middle. The blazing star represents "Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury, Guardian and Guide of Souls. It also represents the "Grand Luminary Sun", which enlightens the Earth. ( note- illuminati means "enlightened one", it is the plural form of the latin word illuminatus )
Now take a look at this next image: note the staircase, sun, and pillars.
Now these screenshots from Super Mario 64:
The light from the Sun shining on him, making him "enlightened". See the staircase as well?
The light from the Sun shining on him, making him "enlightened".
This image shows Mario flying around the "pillars".
More examples of masonic checkerboard floors:
This floor is said to represent the ground floor of the King of Solomon's temple.
Staircases and spiral staircases are also a common symbol.

The staircase represents the ascending or descending knowledge or wisdom. Can also mean the slow reveal of hidden things.
I could go on and on with this as there are so many symbols for freemasonry, illuminati, the powers that be its all the same to me, but I will save that for another day. Trust me when I say it will have at least 20 parts to it, that's how deep it goes. This is just two examples.
It should go without saying that if you have checkerboard print in your house or you have a checkerboard piece of clothing you are not a part of the "illuminati". That person you see in Walmart wearing a checkerboard shirt is not a part of the "illuminati" and that locally owned restaurant or store you frequent with checkerboard decor is not a part of the "illuminati". Us normal people are NOT members of the "elite".
In my research I see so many people saying things like "well my neighbor has a checkerboard floor" "my friend this" "my friend that" "I have this" "I have that" Well are you, your neighbor, your friend a politician or celebrity? Probably not, so you don't have to worry.
Also just because you, your friend, your husband, brother, cousin, etc. might be a freemason doesn't mean they are evil. I'm 110% sure they are not at the highest degrees of masonry.
Now let's take a look see at some of your favorite celebs with this symbolism :)
Amy Winehouse ( the checkerboard doesn't have to just be a floor )
Angelina Jolie
Britney Spears
Demi Lavato
Celebrities are like pawns on the "chess board" controlled by "the powers that be" pushing new agendas and ideology onto fans. Wonder why people call celebrities "idols"? Or influencers. Is individuality even a thing anymore? Speaking of individuality just why do all these celebrities use the same damn checkerboard floor!? Aren't these people artist! Where is creativity? Oh I see, it's almost as if they are being told to use them!
( note the sarcasm )
These models are literally the pawns on the "chess" board in this Alexander McQueen fashion show
Meghan Trainor
Ariana Grande and Iggy Azalea
Katy Perry
Nicki Minaj
Kylie Minogue
"a clockwork orange"
Playboi Carti

The Royal Wedding ( yep, this is worldwide not just in the US. )
Honestly I could go on and on with the photos, I'm overwhelmed just looking at them all. It's so "in your face". These are "artist" think of all the pretty designs and colors they could be using.
Here's a few for the staircase symbolism:
Big Sean
Meghan Trainor
Madonna ( some other symbolism in this photo, can you see it? )
Ariana Grande
If you want to research more do so on duckduckgo. Google censors so much information, since they are controlled by the "powers that be" as well.
One more thing before I go, remember that really stupid
"crate challenge" that took place in either 2020 or 2021 I can't remember.
Here's some photos to refresh your memory:
Looks a lot like the "Steps of Freemasonry" to me:
Could have been an energy harvest ritual, I'm not saying that's what it was for sure but you've got to realize that these people that rule over us are master occultist and manipulators. We participate in these energy harvest rituals all the time unknowingly, whether it's a concert, watching a movie, going to "vote", watching the news. Just think of how much energy is taken from you when you turn on the news, so much negativity. They never put anything positive in the news...... because they want you mad, sad, angry, hating others, giving up hope, scared, that puts you on the lowest frequency.
I read something on my occult knowledge journey that blew my mind a few years ago. This person said that "votes" are "volts" at give "power" to our already chosen world leaders, voting is something that just makes us feel like we have the "power". Elections are the electricity. It's word trickery.
These politicians always promise that things will get better but they keep getting worse. I finally realized that they aren't here to help us. They fund both sides of war for god's sake, they don't care about us. I used to be so stressed out every time during voting season here in the US along with so many others I can imagine. Now I don't let it bother me, don't let them take your energy. Political parties are just two sides of the same coin, one may seem better than the other but the end goal is just the same. Hints why they all talk about the "new world order".
More word trickery:
"good morning" - "good mourning" because we "wake" like a funeral.
or like how we have to get a job to "urn" a "living"
Also notice on the steps of freemansonry the "Red Cross" level, one of the highest degrees. Red Cross? Hmm..... what does that remind you of?
And here's the freemason Red Cross of Constantine:
I know the Red Cross does help some people but I would be choosey on where I send my hard earned donation money, they have been involved in many scandals. They are known to let supplies go to waste and most of the money doesn't go to the cause.
Maybe chose a private local owned charity instead, make sure you research well and use duckduckgo not google.
Last notes:
Stop supporting these celebrities and politicians they do not care about you, they do not deserve your energy or money.
Turn off the news.
Spend time in nature while we still can and reject that meta verse because they really want us in it.
( Unless you wanna live like they do in wall-e..... please don't
lol )