What's this strange obsession with Saturn? Part 2

 The Saturn / Satan Connection 

Many scholars agree that the word Satan comes from the word Saturn. In the Bible Satan is known for the obsession with wealth accumulation. As we learned in part 1 Saturnus is known for many things and one of them is wealth. Another connection between the two is the number 6. If you have read the Bible you should know that 666 is the "number of the beast" which is also the number of "man" in the Book of Revelation. ( As a side note there are 66 books in the Bible and Revelation is the 66th book. Also it took God 6 days to create the world and on the 6th day God created man according to Genesis. We will learn more about this when I post my Kabbalah lesson.  )

Let's take a look at the number 6 surrounding the planet Saturn. Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun. Saturn forms the name "Saturday" which is the 6th day of the week. Saturn has a 6 sided hexagon vortex. ( A hexagon is a flatted out cube when viewed in 3d, remember this for part 3 ) I and many others remember learning in school that Saturn has 7 main rings and one has been starting to fade, so that would leave 6 main rings. Now google says it has a total of 8 or 9 main rings...... welcome to the Orwellian age where digital info can be updated. ( I would recommend keeping physical copies of dictionaries and other books. )

Saturn is associated with the color black and so is Satan.

The ancients believed that Saturn was the farthest planet away from the Sun. Which means it would be less exposed to the Sun's light. Think of Christianity were to some Christians ( or other religions that are similar to Christianity ) if you aren't exposed to the SON of God's "light" then they may consider you a Satanist. This is known as astrotheolgy, astro religion, or an astro cult. The worship of planets, stars, and heavenly bodies as deities. 

Another Saturn-Satan connection is through Etruscan religion. Etruscan religion is a set of stories, beliefs, and religious practices of the Etruscan civilization, influenced by Greek and Roman mythology. Satre is an Etruscan god, he occupies the dark and negative northwest region. He is described as a "frightening and dangerous god who hurls his lightning from his abode deep in the earth." Etymologist believe that Satre and Saturnus are one in the same, although the idea hasn't been proven. ( Etymology is the study of the origin of words )

Lastly, lets learn about Pan. The Greek god of nature, fertility, shepherds, rustic music, etc. He has the legs and horns of a goat, the upper body and head of a human male. Pan is an old word meaning close or joined together. Pan is also the universal agent phosphorus, that gives life and light to the world. Just like phosphorus does on Earth. ( Phosphorus is a chemical element with the symbol P and atomic number 15. It is a component of bones, teeth, dna and rna )  

Often seen holding a flute like instrument known as the panpipe, and a Shepard's crook as pictured below

Here is another photo of a Shepard's crook. Pretty similar to the Saturn god right?

Pan is thought to inspire panic and paranoid fear that has the potential to reduce human beings to their most animalistic instincts. The word "panic" is derived from Pan. His appearance caused his mother to flee in terror, he is also responsible for causing panic in hearts of Persians, and his music was capable of causing panic or inspiration depending on his intentions. "Pan was a composite creature, the upper part with the expception of this horns being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. The pipes of pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat" -Manly P Hall

"Pan is portrayed roaming through the forest, penis erect, drunk and frolicking with nymphs." He represents the lower nature of Man, its animalistic side.

Anyone thinking of the movie Pans Labyrinth?  

 Pan is the name of Saturn's innermost moon, a walnut shaped moon. It is a "ring shepherd" and responsible for keeping the Encke Gap free of ring particles. Pan is also depicted as the Capricorn zodiac sign who's ruling planet is Saturn. Now do you see the point I'm making? So we have more Saturn connections, now where does Satan come in to play? ( Also there is a Roman version of Pan called Faunus who is the half man half goat grandson of Saturn. Lupercalia was held in his honor during February 13th-15th, our modern holiday Valentine's Day is inspired by Lupercalia. ) 

Do you know the pagan goat deity that The Knights Templar supposedly worshipped? Today many Satanist use it as symbolism..........


First of all Baphomet had no association with Satan until about the 20th century. It was first seen in a letter written by Anselm of Ribebont. "As the next day dawned, they called loudly upon Baphometh and we prayed silently in our hearts to God". The context of the word ( along with more evidence ) suggest that "Baphomet" was a corrupted version of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Occultist Elipas Levi created the image of Baphomet that is most recognized today, named the "Sabbbatic Goat". 

Something I missed in part one is that the "grim reaper" originates from the attributes of Cronus, who holds the sickle and is the god of time. Saturn has almost always had an evil significance in astrology, being called "The Greater Malefic". As it is associated with death and decay, hints why the grim reaper is modeled after it.  

“To the initiate, the skeleton of death holding in bony fingers the reaper’s scythe denotes Saturn (Kronos), the father of the gods, carrying the sickle with which he mutilated his own sire.”

Now you're probably wondering what does all this have to do with anything and how is society obsessed with Saturn? Soon you will find out, until then be prepared to put on your "they live" glasses.  :)

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