The purpose of this blog

 I made this blog to keep track of everything I've learned on my trip down the never ending rabbit hole with the occult. To whoever comes across this, I am not a professional writer, there will be spelling and/or grammatical mistakes. Also my writing may be a bit scattered because my mind tends to jump from topic to topic very quickly, so I hope you can understand it.

I've always had this eerie feeling about the world, like something is just not right. I could never pinpoint exactly what it was, and would just brush it off because other people don't see it. People will call you crazy when they don't understand something, that's why I always kept my mouth shut but i'm not doing it anymore. 

I finally discovered the occult then I was a teenager and have many books on these subjects, I have been studying harder than ever these past 2 years and finally found out that I was right. Something is wrong in the world, very wrong and that is the second purpose as to why I have created this blog. It's to share it with you in hopes that you will put aside everything you've been told and read it with an open mind. 

The world and the people in it are not what they seem to be and I'm really hoping that I can help you receive the eyes that you need to see through it. I care about humanity and its future, we are being deceived, mocked and lead down a terrible path that we will never recover from if we allow it to continue. 

I hope you will stick around and read my post, I have a lot to talk about.

Thanks for reading! Stay safe and "woke"  :)

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